Green Labs NL Disclaimer & Privacy
The information on has been compiled with care. However, no guarantee can be given for its accuracy and completeness. No rights may therefore be derived from the information provided. Green Labs NL accepts no liability for the content of this website and the information provided on it.
The user of the information is himself responsible for the choice and use of the information. The user may not transfer, reproduce, edit or distribute the information without permission from Green Labs NL.
Privacy policy
Green Labs NL attaches great importance to protecting the personal data of its participants and relations. Personal data are therefore handled and secured with the greatest possible care. Green Labs NL therefore adheres in all cases to the requirements set by the General Data Protection Regulation.
This privacy policy describes how Green Labs NL records, processes and stores personal data and data files. Related topics, such as consulting, mutating, exchanging and providing data is also described in this policy. The privacy policy covers all on- and offline systems in which personal data occur and applies throughout the organisation.
The preparation of this privacy policy involves contact personal data of participants and business contacts (partners / sponsor / donors) that we manage.
1. Consent and requirements processing personal data
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, Green Labs NL is permitted to process personal data (Special Requirements category, exempted categories of processing: associations, foundations and public law professional organisations).
The General Data Security Regulation sets requirements for Green Labs NL to manage participants. These requirements are;
– allocation of accountability;
– using the data only for the purpose for which it was collected;
– consent of the individual to the processing of the data;
– access to one’s own stored data;
– correct and accurate record keeping;
– the right to oblivion and destruction of data;
– having a procedure available for actions in case a data breach occurs.
2. Accountability
Green Labs NL is responsible for the correct handling of personal data. In addition, contact persons of committees and teams have a partial responsibility. This responsibility becomes manifest as soon as the person gets access to (lists of) data of participants or other persons.
3. Purpose of processing
Data of contact persons of participants, partners (business personal data) and employees of supporting organisations (personal data) are collected solely for the adequate conduct of business and implementation of our projects.
Photos are taken for communication of activities via the website and other social media. Green Labs NL does not make statistical analyses of personal data and does not distribute/sell them to third parties, unless required by law (e.g. tax authorities).
4. Consent of management and board members
When entering into an appointment as a board member or board member, the person consents to Green Labs NL processing the following data:
– Surname, first name and initials;
– Date and place of birth;
– Nationality;
– Home address;
– Telephone number and private e-mail address;
– Account number and name of bank account for possible payment;
– Copy of passport for legal registrations
– Creation and distribution of photo and visual material. On appointment, management and board members give permission for his/her photo to be placed on the website.
5. Consent of contact participants relations
When joining Green Labs NL, registering for an activity or entering into a cooperation or requesting an offer/information, the data subject implicitly consents to Green Labs NL processing the following data:
– Institution or company data (postal and visiting address, website);
– Surname, first name and possibly initials;
– General telephone number and/or direct dial number and/or 06 number;
– E-mail address;
– Function.
Contacts participants of Green Labs NL who register on the website for a login thereby give permission to share their name and email with other participants so that mutual contact can be established. Individuals who register for an activity thereby give Green Labs NL permission to share their name with other participants.
Taking and distribution of photos and visual material
In the context of activities and projects, photographs are regularly taken of situations, sharers or relations. When participating in Green Labs NL activities, participants agree to this, unless objections are raised. In other cases, Green Labs NL always requests permission from the relation concerned verbally, or via e-mail, before using such a photo for communication.
If, in the exceptional case, minors under the age of 16 are shown, permission is requested from one of the parents or a guardian assigned by law.
6. Right of inspection
Contact persons of participants and relations can inspect their own data and have them changed.
Relations or their legal representatives (in the case of minors) may at any time request access to data that Green Labs NL keeps on them.
Inspection procedure: A request to inspect data should be addressed (in writing or by e-mail) to the secretary of Green Labs NL at The secretary will ensure a written response within six weeks. This can only be provided if there is no doubt about the identity of the applicant. Green Labs NL is entitled to verify this identity in appropriate cases.
7. Right of correction
If a participant or relation finds that there is a factual inaccuracy in the registered data, he/she may indicate this to the secretary. The secretary will ensure correction within six weeks.
8. Right to have data removed
A contact of a member or relation can request that data be deleted. Such a request can be addressed to the secretary. The secretary will ensure erasure within six weeks, provided this is possible under other legal obligations Green Labs NL has. However, financial claims by Green Labs NL will remain in place where appropriate. Minimal data necessary for the settlement of financial obligations will be maintained until full settlement of financial issues is completed.
If a participant or relation does not (any longer) maintain a direct business relationship with Green Labs NL, the data are however retained in our CRM system. These are retained in connection with future knowledge dissemination or acquisition.
9. Data breach procedure
A data breach occurs as soon as confidential data of individuals:
– become known to third parties who have no right to know;
– data is destroyed beyond repair;
– data is lost and it is not known where it ended up.
As soon as someone suspects a data leak in relation to data of contact persons of participating parties and/or relations of Green Labs NL, this person is requested to report this suspicion to the secretariat. It is requested that the first report be made by telephone. Subsequently, the reporter is asked to put the report in an e-mail and send it to
After receiving the report, the secretary will ensure that an investigation is started to determine which data have actually been affected and send a notification to the personal data authority. Thereafter, Green Labs NL will inform the relations affected by the data breach by phone or in writing (via e-mail). Furthermore, Green Labs NL will take action to limit further damage and prevent recurrence.
10. Storage of data
Green Labs NL takes good care of stored data. Personal data of contacts and relations are stored by Green Labs NL and accessible to the core team of Green Labs NL.