LEAF in Dutch Institutes pilot
Background info
The ‘Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework’ (LEAF), has been developed in the UK in 2018 by Martin Farley for University College London (UCL). LEAF offers a 3-tiered assessment framework through which lab groups can achieve a bronze, silver, or gold accreditation. LEAF piloted in the UK and Ireland between 2018 and 2020 and reported 235 lab groups across 23 institutes taking part and assessing cost savings of £641K and 648 tCO₂e of avoided emissions.
In 2021 Green Labs NL set up a project to assess the LEAF programme in the Dutch scientific setting. The project aims to assess the process and best practices for implementing LEAF in public Dutch research organisations, and how the programme works to increase sustainable actions and lower CO₂ emissions for Dutch researchers.
With funding and support by the Ministry of Health, Wellbeing and Sport through the Green Deal for Healthcare, Green Labs NL have been able to assist multiple public Dutch research organisations to get the LEAF programme set up in their research departments and start working towards making their science more sustainable.
If you are interested to get your public Dutch research organisation on board with LEAF contact the LEAF team directly – LEAF@ucl.ac.uk or Green Labs NL – info@greenlabs-nl.eu
Is your department, hospital or institute working with LEAF but not listed below? Get in touch by emailing us at info@greenlabsnl.eu
Participating Institutes

Pilot Results
September – December
4 Institutes
24 Labs
5 Bronze
January – October
7 new Institutes
+4 in setting up process
LEAF Q4 project (NL)
in collaboration with the Dutch University Medical Centers
Green Deal Duurzame Zorg 3.0
Report & Resources
• LEAF in your research department – Green Labs NL
• How to start a Green Team – Green Labs NL