Sparking green movement in the funding landscape
Event summary September 2023
The event ‘Sparking green movement in the funding landscape’ focused on addressing the main question of how funding organizations can support the transition toward just and sustainable health research.
Kicking off with some inspiring talks from UKRI/MRC, Wellcome Trust, KNAW and UMC Utrecht, the event led to many motivated conversations and set forth clear objectives to advance this topic within the scientific funding landscape. We extend warm gratitude to all organizations represented, including Knowledge Centre Global Health (kcgh), NWO, ZonMW, Oncode Institute, KIN, KWF kankerbestrijding, Health~Holland, KNAW, Ministry of Education Culture and Science, EMBO, Wellcome Trust and UKRI.

Follow up:
Please find the event report here.
Event sponsor:
Knowledge Centre Global Health (kcgh)

• KNAW report on Planetary Health
• Wellcome Trust report on the current state of initiatives aimed at reducing the environmental impact of health research
• UKRI Sustainability Strategy
• UKRI position statement on carbon offsetting
• MRC funding call on Environmental sustainability in life sciences and medical practice
• Health Holland missiedocument Gezondheid & Zorg (Dutch only)
Other initiatives by funding organisations
• Marie Sklodowska-Curie Green Charter
• The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Press Release: DFG anchors ecological sustainability ideas in funding activities
• The Academy of Medical Sciences – Academy FORUM workshop executive summary: Enabling greener research
• Royal Society of Chemistry – Funding call for sustainable science initiatives
Climate justice publications and articles
• NtvG publication on unequal distribution of cause and effects of climate crisis: a global matter of equity and justice
• WRR publication – Rechtvaardigheid in klimaatbeleid: over de verdeling van klimaatkosten (Dutch only)
• KIN article – Klimaatrechtvaardigheid als basis: ‘Je moet het licht laten schijnen op de hele keten’ (Dutch only)